Tag Archives: strategic surprise

Our new Forbes piece: Are You Near Your Altamont Moment? How Catastrophic Surprises Transform Business Identities

Our latest post on Forbes is a reflection on the role of catastrophic events in the transformation of people and organizations’ identities, based on the example of the ill-fated Rolling Stones’ Altamont festival in 1969. It is available here.

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Our new Forbes Piece: 1962, The U2, and You: A Risk Management Lesson from the Cold War

Our new Forbes piece shows that by looking at the origins of the Cuban Missile Crisis, one can learn valuable lessons on Risk management. Read it here.

Geopolitics, Investing, and the Little Book of Psychic Cold Reading

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Milo’s latest advice for investors and business people trying to come to grips with geopolitics is now available on Forbes.com.  It’s called “Geopolitics, Investing and the Little Book of Psychic Cold Reading”.

New video: Did the CIA fail to anticipate the fall of the USSR?

In this video about Constructing Cassandra, we explain how the CIA failed to anticipate the fall of the USSR. Watch it here on YouTube.

New video: How does identity play out in surprises? The example of Osama bin Laden

In this video about our book “Constructing Cassandra”, we explain how identity plays out in strategic surprises, using the example of Osama bin Laden. Watch it here on YouTube.

New video: Is the Cuban Missile Crisis a success story for the CIA?

In this video about Constructing Cassandra, we explain why the Cuban Missile Crisis is both a success and a failure for the CIA. Watch it here on YouTube.

New video: What is a Cassandra and why it matters?

In this short video, we explain what a Cassandra is and why identifying Cassandras matter when studying strategic surprises. Watch it here on YouTube.

Our new Forbes piece: Snowden and the Challenge of Intelligence: The Practical Case Against the NSA’s Big Data

Our latest Forbes piece discusses why the NSA’s PRISM surveillance program poses more than a moral problem. In fact, we argue that more data will not make America safer. Read it here.

Our new Forbes piece: Three reasons why Big Data doesn’t make you smarter — Lessons from the world of Intelligence

Our latest post on Forbes piece discusses why Big Data will not make you smarter and potentially can be dangerous. Read it here.

Constructing Cassandra Now Available

Our new book on strategic surprise, Constructing Cassandra:  Reframing Intelligence Failure at the CIA, 1947-2001, is now available for pre-order worldwide.


Interested readers in North America can read reviews and order it via  Amazon.com or Barnes&Nobel;  in the UK you can use Amazon.co.uk; in the rest of the EU, you may wish to use Amazon.fr or Amazon.de; and in Asia you may wish to use  Amazon.jp.

If you do order it thank you.  Naturally, if you have any questions about the book, please ask us.